Nau mai, Haere mai, Welcome... to the most comprehensive and up-to-the-minute online Māori - English - Māori dictionary resource available.

To use WAKAREO Ā-IPURANGI please make your selection from the menu items at left.
(You need to be a subscriber, in order to gain access. Subscription details.)

If you need help in deciding which search form to use - or how to use it, please read the help section, accesssible from the menu at left of screen.

New Functionality

Updated Search Forms - we've completely re-designed the search forms to make them even easier to operate and understand. Along with this, we've re-written the Wakareo Help section - you can now access this from the menu at left.

Kupu Mataora - Living Words

There are currently some 24 words being worked on by the Kupu Mataora editing team, and they will be notified on this page, and added to Wakareo ā-ipurangi, as they are released for use.

For pricing information, click here.


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